Singapore, Singapore

Date Price +/- +/- % Low High
2025-01-17 516.00 1.00 0.19 515.00 517.00
2025-01-16 515.00 19.00 3.83 514.00 516.00
2025-01-15 496.00 -9.50 -1.88 495.00 497.00
2025-01-14 505.50 -3.50 -0.69 499.00 512.00
2025-01-13 509.00 29.00 6.04 508.00 510.00
2025-01-10 480.00 3.00 0.63 479.00 481.00
2025-01-09 477.00 1.00 0.21 476.00 478.00
2025-01-08 476.00 8.00 1.71 475.00 477.00
2025-01-07 468.00 -6.00 -1.27 467.00 469.00
2025-01-06 474.00 -6.00 -1.25 473.00 475.00

Date Price +/- +/- % Low High
2025-01-17 607.00 1.00 0.17 606.00 608.00
2025-01-16 606.00 14.00 2.36 605.00 607.00
2025-01-15 592.00 -9.00 -1.50 591.00 593.00
2025-01-14 601.00 2.00 0.33 594.00 608.00
2025-01-13 599.00 21.00 3.63 598.00 600.00
2025-01-10 578.00 8.00 1.40 577.00 579.00
2025-01-09 570.00 -2.00 -0.35 569.00 571.00
2025-01-08 572.00 10.00 1.78 571.00 573.00
2025-01-07 562.00 -4.00 -0.71 561.00 563.00
2025-01-06 566.00 1.00 0.18 565.00 567.00

Date Price +/- +/- % Low High
2025-01-17 766.00 11.00 1.46 765.00 767.00
2025-01-16 755.00 17.00 2.30 754.00 756.00
2025-01-15 738.00 -10.50 -1.40 737.00 739.00
2025-01-14 748.50 -6.50 -0.86 740.00 757.00
2025-01-13 755.00 40.00 5.59 754.00 756.00
2025-01-10 715.00 15.00 2.14 714.00 716.00
2025-01-09 700.00 -5.00 -0.71 699.00 701.00
2025-01-08 705.00 7.00 1.00 704.00 706.00
2025-01-07 698.00 -1.00 -0.14 697.00 699.00
2025-01-06 699.00 -10.00 -1.41 698.00 700.00

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